JADE EXTEND er en pågående langtids forlengelsesstudie med en 92-ukers primær behandlingsperiode etterfulgt av en åpen behandlingsperiode med variabel varighet for å evaluere sikkerhet og effekt av CIBINQO, med eller uten TCS, hos voksne og ungdom med moderat til alvorlig AD som tidligere har deltatt i en annen kvalifiserende JADE-studie.1
Vedvarende effektdata
Post-dupilumab responsrater
Fra en interim-effektanalyse av langtids forlengelsesstudie
Data limitations
Not all patients who completed the pivotal studies continued into the long-term extension study. Efficacy improvements seen in this study may be partially due to awareness of receiving active treatment, background medicated topicals, and/or patients who discontinued not being included in the efficacy analyses (as observed data).
This is a parallel treatment assignment study of CIBINQO 200 mg QD and CIBINQO 100 mg QD with no placebo control, revealing the certainty of receiving treatment. The lack of placebo control limits the estimate of treatment effect. Due to subjects having to complete a qualifying parent study and remaining eligible to receive CIBINQO, there may be an enrichment in response based on the patient population.
Primary endpoint5:
Reich K, Silverberg JI, Papp K, et al. Abrocitinib efficacy and safety in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: Results from phase 3 studies, including the long-term extension JADE EXTEND study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2023 Volume 37, issue10, Pages 2056-2066, https://doi.org/10.1111/jdv.19280
Reich K, Silverberg JI, Papp K, et al. Abrocitinib effect on patient-reported outcomes in patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: Results from phase 3 studies, including the long-term extension JADE EXTEND study. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 2023 Volume 37, issue10, Pages 2047-2055, https://doi.org/10.1111/jdv.19254
Post hoc-analyse fra en interim-effektanalyse av langtids forlengelsesstudien (JADE Extend)
Data limitations
EASI-75 response post-switch from dupilumab was a post hoc analysis. Therefore, treatment differences could represent chance findings and no conclusions regarding any comparisons
can be made.
Prior response or nonresponse to dupilumab was not considered in the inclusion criteria for enrollment in JADE EXTEND. Not all patients who completed the pivotal studies continued into the long-term extension study. Efficacy improvements seen in this study may be partially due to awareness of receiving active treatment.
Response to CIBINQO 100 mg QD and CIBINQO 200 mg QD after previous treatment with dupilumab was a post hoc analysis. JADE EXTEND is a parallel treatment assignment study of CIBINQO 200 mg and 100 mg with no placebo control, revealing the certainty of receiving treatment. The lack of placebo control limits the estimate of treatment effect. Due to subjects having to complete a qualifying parent study and remaining eligible to receive CIBINQO, there may be an enrichment in response based on the patient population.
Primary endpoint8:
Cibinqo brukerveiledning
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